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Cinco Tintas is an independent publishing house founded in 2015 and based in Barcelona. It was born from the passion and enthusiasm of two siblings for the world of books, as well as their dedication to the craft of publishing.

Cinco Tintas aims to inspire readers through beautifully illustrated practical books, inviting them to discover the joy of creating, learning new skills, and perfecting their favorite hobbies.

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Manual de CocteleríaManual de Coctelería
Manual de Coctelería Precio de oferta€15.95
SOS AstrologíaSOS Astrología
SOS Astrología Precio de oferta€23.95
Love Match
Love Match Precio de oferta€14.95
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Geminis Libro Precio de oferta€12.95
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Yoga Asana Precio de oferta€25.95
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El Libro del Vermut Precio de oferta€32.95
Gran Manual de CockteleríaGran Manual de Cocktelería
Gran Manual de Cocktelería Precio de oferta€36.95
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Tequila: Mezclar, agitar, removerTequila: Mezclar, agitar, remover
Tequila: Mezclar, agitar, remover Precio de oferta€16.95
Fitness Gourmet
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Escrito en las EstrellasEscrito en las Estrellas
Escrito en las Estrellas Precio de oferta€25.95
Biográfico EinsteinBiográfico Einstein
Biográfico Einstein Precio de oferta€14.95