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Faves Comptades raises the curtain with the aim of bringing the rich idioms and proverbs of their beloved language to life in a fresh and unique way. By blending traditional sayings from the past with modern designs and products, they create pieces that are sure to open your eyes wide with amazement and leave no one indifferent.

They have started from scratch several times, reinvented themselves, and fully committed to this project with all their strength. After all, those who don’t take risks, don’t gain rewards—and they only throw in the towel if it’s at the beach. Without claiming to set an example, they stand firmly for language and culture as the foundation of a critical, inclusive, and diverse society.

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AgotadoEnamora't Beige Art PrintEnamora't Beige Art Print
Enamora't Beige Art Print Precio de oferta$20.00
Enamora't Rosa Art PrintEnamora't Rosa Art Print
Enamora't Rosa Art Print Precio de oferta$20.00
Tassa - Si el meu pare es el millorTassa - Si el meu pare es el millor
AgotadoTassa - Tinc idees de bomberTassa - Tinc idees de bomber
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Tassa “Tieta, t’estimem fins la lluna i tornar!”
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Tramuntana Beige Art Print Precio de oferta$20.00
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Ara i Aqui Beige Art Print Precio de oferta$20.00
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Tassa “Juntes, vives i lliures”
Tassa “iaia, ets la meva persona preferida”
Tassa “Qui té un germà, té un tresor!”
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Tassa “Avi, ets la persona que més admiro”
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